Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Different Kind of Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. This Christmas is going to be different than any other. This will be the first Christmas in my entire life that I have not been with my mother and brother. So as you might imagine, this Christmas is going to be difficult in many ways. However, I am determined to be proactive and make this Christmas special in different ways! So, let me share with you something our family is excited about this Christmas season.

This year, we are participating in Advent Conspiracy, a global challenge to return Christmas to it's original purpose. We're committed to worship fully, spend less, give more and love all this Christmas season in the hopes that we can help change the world by focusing less on the stuff of Christmas and more on the spirit of Christmas. We'll still celebrate in many of the same ways we always do, but we've also chosen, this month, to be more purposeful about using the blessings God has given us to make a practical and eternal difference in the lives of others. We'll be making personal "sacrifices" so that we can give to those who need and don't just want.

Take a look for yourself. I think you will be challenged.


ccollier said...

yay for Advent Conspiracy! I tried to get my family to do it, but the idea got vetoed. But I'm doing it anyway. So glad to see a family actually doing it.

awayinmali said...

Here is something fun we are trying this year: http://christianity.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=christianity&cdn=religion&tm=30&gps=331_387_1345_548&f=00&tt=13&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.crivoice.org/jesse.html. Praying that you have a great Christmas season! Thanks for sharing about the Advent Conspiracy. :)