Monday, June 9, 2008

Poor Little Eden

Don’t you feel sorry for her! Saturday night after watching her brother win 1st place in the baseball tournament, Eden has an accident with the bat. We are actually not sure exactly how it happened but a group of kids were playing and somehow the end of the bat caught Eden’s cheek just right. Dad had to handle the crisis since I was returning home after missing my flight on Friday night due to weather issues. Anyway, Tim who does not handle any sort of crisis well, did a great job! They were able to use some glue at the ER and avoid stitches. Wouldn’t you know this would happen to the most cautious, careful child of the bunch!

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kmholt7 said...

Ouch! Tell Eden her friend Kasen said she was sorry about her boo boo.

prechrswife said...

Poor Eden! I hope she feels better very soon. :-(

Angie said...

OH NO! I am so sorry sweet Eden! I hope you are all better soon.

I always worry about this happening at the ball field. You look up and everyone is swinging and no one is looking! ;)