Monday, May 26, 2008

It has been quite the weekend for our little star Gracie Lynn. On Saturday, she sang at our church picnic. She has been looking forward to this performance for weeks now. She wrote her own song, played the guitar and sang. I think I can say without a doubt that everyone in the audience was smiling.:)
Sunday afternoon she had her end of the year dance recital. Of course, we thought she was the most beautiful ballerina on the stage.

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Angie said...

Jamie shared your blog with me. I am so excited to hear of your family's journey. Emma is excited to know that someone she knows is going to be a missionary. Her GA leader is leaving in July to begin her intership in Tanzania. Emma is a very mission's minded child. I told Rich that it will not surprise me if the mission field is not where god leads her. Please know that our family will be praying for yours as you begin this journey.

We love you,

Bethany said...

She wrote a song and played the guitar!! :) How did it go??

Rhonda said...

What a creative girl! I love the self-confidence she has. I don't think I could have done that! Very brave.. no, don't tell her that, let her think that's the way she's supposed to be.