Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Special Answer to Prayer

Our church has an amazing children’s music program. All of our children have been involved in children’s choirs since they were 3 years old. Trinity and Noah are part of a special ensemble made up of 4th, 5th and 6th grade musicians. Tonight all of the kids choirs shared in the service. It is always one of my favorite nights at church. One day last week Trinity had come to me and shared that she was kind of sad about singing on Sunday night. At the end of each school year, the director Mrs. Kathy honors the graduating 6th graders with a presentation of a hymnal with their name engraved on it. Trinity was sad because she realized that she would not be here for her 6th grade year and thus she would miss her presentation. I know that it might seem like an insignificant thing but it troubled her and so as her momma, I was sad with her. I talked to her and then I prayed that God would meet that need for her in some way. I prayed that He would give her a special blessing tonight so that she would not feel sad. I had prayed several times this past week about it. Tonight after Mrs. Kathy presented the 6th grade bibles she said she had another special presentation to make. She went on to share that she wanted to honor Trinity and Noah with their hymnals since they would me on the mission field when it was there turn to receive one. I just sat in my pew and cried and thought about what a wonderful God I serve. I had no idea that Mrs. Kathy was going to do that for my children! She had no idea how grieved this momma’s heart had been over the fact that they would not be here for this event in the future. God knew and He moved and once again took care of everything! Thank you Kathy, for listening to the Spirit talk to you and for giving this blessing to my children. Thank you Lord for caring about each and every need we have.

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prechrswife said...

How sweet and special is that? :-)

Bethany said...


Angie said...

What an amazing God we serve! What a special recognition this was for Noah, Trinity and you.