Thursday, January 29, 2009

Whew....long week

Whew it has been a week! I have had 3 tests and I still have one more tomorrow. Yuck! I do feel like we are learning a ton so that is good. It is nice to see some real progress. Our teachers are really great. This week in our grammar class we even started learning some Bible stories in Spanish. Tonight my homework is to write 10 sentences telling the story of Zacheus. It goes something like Spanish of course.
Zach is short.
Jesus is walking.
Zach climbs a tree.
Zach sees Jesus.
You get the idea.....I am thinking I could teach 1 year olds in Sunday school! :)
We are getting out of the city this weekend for the first time since we arrived in Costa Rica. We are headed to the beach!!! We are so excited and hope to be able to post some amazing pictures when we return. We are being told it will be more beautiful than we can even imagine. I am ready to relax and enjoy!
Oh one more thing....this morning one of my fellow students brought a tarantula to show and share at school. What a blessing. :( He had caught it last night in his house. If you never hear from me again, you will know I had a similar experience. Whatever.

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1 comment:

leigh said...

A what? A tarantula? Whatever!!! Do geckos scare away tarantulas?