Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dr. Visits

We spent our entire morning at the IMB doctor and after a large battery of tests both of us have been declared healthy for missions service. They are very thorough around here. As soon as we get home we have to take the kids to our local dr for a list of tests. I am sure they will be so excited. :)
After having lunch with 2 other missionary couples we had a long meeting with the Middle America and Caribbean Representative. We learned a lot about what to expect at language school and in our assignment in Panama. The more we learn about Panama the more excited we are getting. It is going to be a perfect fit for our family. It is truly a family oriented country and we are looking forward to God using our entire family to serve Him together.
We have met so many wonderful people here at the conference. It is so neat to see how God is moving in each of these families lives. One of the families that we had lunch with is heading to the Czech Republic and the other is on their way to Mozambique. We are looking forward to spending more time with them as we will all be here together in October for our 8 week training.
We are in the library now and Tim is watching videos about living in Costa Rica and trying to find some good books to take home to the kids.
We have dinner here this evening and then a presentation on wellness while living overseas. Tomorrow we have a packed day of learning sessions as well. More later.....

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PanamaMark said...

Hi Tina - I'm excited for you. Your mission to Panama brings up warm memories from a few years ago when my wife and I packed up our two boys and headed off for our Panama adventure. We had the opportunity to set up the first English service church in Boquete and my wife worked with the local 'orphange' Hogar Trisker. I wish you all the best in your journey. You may find my, 'Letters from Panama' at interesting and helpful (although they are geared a little more to retirees). I also, have a couple of Blogs you might like to check out - and my account here on Blogger at
Please feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions about living in Panama -

Buen Viaje! Dios Bendice

prechrswife said...

Tina, we are still praying for you as you prepare for this giant step. Thanks for keeping us all posted. :-)
